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An Abundance of Katherines contin..

An Abundance of Katherines - John Green

The main character of this book is named Colin. He is a child prodigy, as he calls himself, and can make up anagrams to words in approximately 10 seconds. Colin has an Arabic best friend named Hassan and they do everything together. Hassan is the one who gets Colin through all of his breakups. Which, by the way, Colin has had 19 breakups all of which he has been the dumpee and all by girls with the name Katherine. He has some sort of Katherine fetish where he only dates girls by that name and always falls madly in love. Colin is the type of guy to be clingy and has to make sure his companion still likes him every second. Probably why he's been dumped 19 times. So, to get away from his sadness and to maybe stop thinking about the last Katherine, he convinces Hassan to go with him on a road trip. They end up in Gunshot, Kentucky and stay with a girl named Lindsey and her mother who they met in a grocery store. That's about as far as I've gotten so far, but I know that Colin is high maintenance and kind of annoying. Hopefully he grows on me as I continue reading.